Karen Fediuk, Dietitian and Researcher

Karen Fediuk is an independent researcher with over 20 years working in the area of Indigenous food systems, and socio-economic and cultural impacts of activities in Indigenous peoples territories.

Karen is a Registered Dietitian whose contributions were recognized by the Dietitians of Canada in 2017 with the Association Catalyst Award for her professional expertise and achievements contributing to the advancement of the profession.

Karen provides her services as an independent consultant. Please get in touch if you want to discuss an opportunity to work together.

Peer Reviewed Publications

Batal M, Kenny T-A, Johnson-Down L, Ing A, Fediuk K, Sadik T, et al. Development of an optimal grocery list based on actual intake from a cross-sectional study of First Nations adults in Ontario, Canada. Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism. 2021. https://doi.org/10.1139/apnm-2020-0950.

Chan HM, Fediuk K, Batal M, Sadik T, Tikhonov C, and L. Barwin. The First Nations Food, Nutrition and Environment Study (2008-2018)-rationale, design, methods and lessons learned. Can J Public Health. 2021 Jun; 112(S1): 8-19. https://doi.org/10.17269/s41997-021-00480-0.

Batal M, Chan HM, Fediuk K, Ing A, Berti P, Sadik T, et al. Importance of the traditional food systems for First Nations adults living on reserves in Canada. Can J Public Health. 2021 Jun;112(S1):20–8. https://doi.org/10.17269/s41997-020-00353-y.

Batal M, Chan HM, Ing A, Fediuk K, Berti P, Sadik T, et al. Nutrient adequacy and nutrient sources of adults among ninety-two First Nations communities across Canada. Can J Public Health. 2021 Jun;112(S1):29–40. https://doi.org/10.17269/s41997-021-00490-y.

Batal M, Chan HM, Ing A, Fediuk K, Berti P, Sadik T, and L. Johnson-Down Comparison of measures of diet quality using 24-hour recall data of First Nations adults living on reserves in Canada. Can J Public Health. 2021 Jun; 112(S1), 41–51. https://doi.org/10.17269/s41997-021-00489-5

Batal M, Chan HM, Fediuk K, Ing A, Berti PR, Mercille G, et al. First Nations households living on-reserve experience food insecurity: prevalence and predictors among ninety-two First Nations communities across Canada. Can J Public Health. 2021 Jun; 112(S1): 52–63. https://doi.org/10.17269/s41997-021-00491-x.

Chan HM, Singh K, Batal M, Marushka L, Tikhonov C, Sadik T, Schwartz H, Ing A and K Fediuk. Levels of metals and persistent organic pollutants in traditional foods consumed by First Nations living on-reserve in Canada. Can J Public Health. 2021 Jun;112(S1):81–96. https://doi.org/10.17269/s41997-021-00495-7.

Tikhonov C, Schwartz H, Marushka L, Chan HM, Batal M, Sadik T, Ing A and K Fediuk. Regionally representative hair mercury levels in Canadian First Nations adults living on reserves. Can J Public Health. 2021 Jun;112(S1):97–112. https://doi.org/10.17269/s41997-021-00508-5

Schwartz H, Marushka L, Chan HM, Batal M, Sadik T, Ing A, Fediuk K, and C Tikhonov. Metals in the drinking water of First Nations across Canada. Can J Public Health. 2021 Jun;112(S1):113–32.

Schwartz H, Marushka L, Chan HM, Batal M, Sadik T, Ing A, Fediuk K, and C Tikhonov. Pharmaceuticals in source waters of 95 First Nations in Canada. Can J Public Health. 2021 Jun;112(S1):133–53.

Batal M, Chan HM, Fediuk K, Berti P, Sadik T, and L. Johnson-Down. Associations of health status and diabetes among First Nations Peoples living on-reserve in Canada. Can J Public Health. 2021 Jun; 112(S1): 154-167. https://doi.org/10.17269/s41997-021-00488-6.

Marushka L, Hu X, Batal M, Tikhonov C, Sadik T, Schwartz H, et al. The relationship between dietary exposure to persistent organic pollutants from fish consumption and type 2 diabetes among First Nations in Canada. Can J Public Health. 2021 Jun;112(S1):168–82.

Domingo A, Spiegel J, Guhn M, Wittman H, Ing A, Sadik T, Fediuk K, Tikhonov C, Schwartz H, Chan HM, and M. Batal. Predictors of household food insecurity and relationship with obesity in First Nations communities in British Columbia, Manitoba, Alberta and Ontario. Public Health Nutrition 2020: 1-13. doi:10.1017/S1368980019004889

Johnson-Down L, Willows N, Kenny TA, Ing A, Fediuk K, Sadik T, Chan HM and M Batal. Optimisation modelling to improve the diets of First Nations individuals. J Nutritional Science. 2019 8, e31. doi:10.1017/jns.2019.30

Marushka L, Kenny TA, Batal M, Cheung W, Fediuk K, Golden CD, Salomon AK, Sadik T, Weatherdon LV, and HM Chan. Potential impacts of climate-related decline of seafood harvest on nutritional status of coastal First Nations in British Columbia, Canada. PLOS ONE. 2019, February 27 https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0211473

Marushka L, Batal M, Sadik T, Schwartz H, Ing A, Fediuk K, Tikhonov C and HM Chan. Seafood consumption patterns, their nutritional benefits and associated sociodemographic and lifestyle factors among First Nations in British Columbia, Canada. Public Health Nutrition. 2018, Dec; 21(17): 3223-3236; doi:10.1017/S136898001800215X

Marushka L, Hu X, Batal M, Sadik T, Schwartz H, Ing A, Fediuk K, Tikhonov C, and HM Chan. The Relationship between Persistent Organic Pollutants Exposure and Type 2 Diabetes among First Nations in Ontario and Manitoba, Canada: A Difference in Difference Analysis. International J Environmental Research and Public Health. 2018, March; 15(3): 539; doi:10.3390/ijerph15030539

Juric AK, Batal M, David W, Sharp D, Schwartz H, Ing A, Fediuk K, Black A, Tikhonov C, and HM Chan. Risk assessment of dietary lead exposure among First Nations people living on-reserve in Ontario, Canada using a total diet study and a probabilistic approach J Hazardous Materials 2018 Feb 344 (15): 55-63. Epub 2017 Oct. doi.org/10.1016/j.jhazmat.2017.09.035

Batal M, Johnson-Down L, Moubarac J, Ing A, Fediuk K, Sadik T, Chan L, and ND Willows. Sociodemographic associations of the dietary proportion of ultra-processed foods in First Nations peoples in the Canadian provinces of British Columbia, Manitoba, Alberta and Ontario. International J Nutr 2017, Dec; 18:1-9. doi: 10.1080/09637486.2017.1412405.

Marushka L, Batal, M, Sharp D, Schwartz H, Ing A, Fediuk K, Black A, Tikhonov C, and HM Chan. Fish consumption is inversely associated with type 2 diabetes in Manitoba First Nations communities. FACETS 2017 2: 795-818. doi: 10.1139/facets-2017-0023.

Juric AK, Batal M, David W, Sharp D, Schwartz H, Ing A, Fediuk K, Black A, Tikhonov C, and HM Chan. A total diet study and probabilistic risk assessment of dietary mercury exposure among First Nations living on-reserve in Ontario, Canada. Environmental Research 2017 Oct. 158: 409-420. Epub 2017 Jul. doi: 10.1016/j.envres.2017.06.025.

Batal M, Johnson-Down L, Moubarac JC, Ing A, Fediuk K, Sadik T, Tikhonov C, Chan L, and N Willows. Quantifying associations of the dietary share of ultra-processed foods with overall diet quality among First Nations peoples in the Canadian provinces of British Columbia, Alberta, Manitoba and Ontario. Public Health Nutrition 2017 Jul 25:1-11. doi: 10.1017/S1368980017001677.

Marushka L, Batal M, David W, Schwartz H, Ing A, Fediuk K, Sharp D, Black A, Tikhonov C, and HM Chan Association between fish consumption, dietary omega-3 fatty acids and persistent organic pollutants intake, and type 2 diabetes in 18 First Nations in Ontario, Canada. Environmental Research 2017 Jul 156:725-737. doi: 10.1016/j.envres.2017.04.034. Epub 2017 May.

Kuhnlein HV, Fediuk K, Nelson C, Howard E, and S Johnson. The Legacy of the Nuxalk Food and Nutrition Program for the Food Security, Health and Well-Being of Indigenous Peoples in British Columbia. BC Studies 179:159-187 Autumn 2013. https://doi.org/10.14288/bcs.v0i179.184117

Chan HM, Fediuk K, Hamilton S, Rostas L, Caughey A, Kuhnlein H, Egeland G, and E. Loring. Food Security in Nunavut, Canada: Barriers and Recommendations. International Journal of Circumpolar Health 65:5 2006. https://doi.org/10.3402/ijch.v65i5.18132

Nakano T, Fediuk K, Kassi N, Egeland GM and HV Kuhnlein. Dietary Nutrients and Anthropometry of Dene/Métis and Yukon Children. International Journal of Circumpolar Health 64(2): 147-156. 2005 http://dx.doi.org/10.3402/ijch.v64i2.17967

Nakano T, Fediuk K, Kassi N, and HV Kuhnlein. Food Use of Dene/Métis and Yukon Children. International Journal of Circumpolar Health 64 (2): 137-146. 2005. https://doi.org/10.3402/ijch.v64i2.17966

Fediuk K, Hidiroglou N, Madere R, and HV Kuhnlein. Vitamin C in Inuit Traditional Food and Women’s Diets. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis 15 (3): 221-35. June 2002. https://doi.org/10.1006/jfca.2002.1053

Research Reports

Fediuk K, Baker J, Hum J, and Firelight Research Inc. Lake Babine Nation Labour Market Project. Report submitted to Lake Babine. Dec 2021.

Fediuk K, Baker J, Gosling S., and Firelight Research Inc. We All Take Care of the Harvest (WATCH) Dietary Research Toolkit. Prepared for First Nations Health Authority. May 2021. May 14, 2021

Fediuk K, Gibson G, and Firelight Research Inc. Algonquins of Pikwàkanagàn First Nation Diet and Harvest Study: Confidential report specific to Canadian Nuclear Laboratories’ Nuclear Power Demonstration Decommissioning Project. August 2021.

Fediuk K, Gibson G, and Firelight Research Inc. Algonquins of Pikwàkanagàn First Nation Diet and Harvest Research Study in relation to Canadian Nuclear Laboratories’ Near Surface Disposal Facility Project. June 2021

Fediuk K, Gibson G, Gosling S, Dene M, and Firelight Research Inc. Fort Chipewyan Winter road access, food security and climate change. August 2020. Prepared for Mikisew Cree First Nation.

Chan L, Batal M, Sadik T, Tikhonov C, Schwartz H, Fediuk K, Ing A, Marushka L., Lindhorst K, Barwin L., Berti P, Singh K and O Receveur. First Nations Food, Nutrition and Environment Study (FNFNES) Final Report for Eight Assembly of First Nations Regions: Draft Comprehensive Technical Report. Assembly of First Nations, University of Ottawa, Université de Montréal. Nov 2019. http://www.fnfnes.ca/docs/FNFNES_draft_technical_report_Nov_2__2019.pdf

Fediuk K, Candler C, Reid S, and the Firelight Group with Stellat’en First Nation. Stellat’en First Nation Rights-Based Harvest Estimation Study. August 2019.

Chan L, Batal M, Receveur O, Sadik T, Schwartz H, Ing A, Fediuk K, Tikhonov C, and K Lindhorst. First Nations Food, Nutrition and Environment Study (FNFNES): Results from Quebec 2016. Ottawa: University of Ottawa. 2019. http://www.fnfnes.ca/docs/QC_English_June_18.pdf

Fediuk K, Thom B, and D Smith. Tla’amin Contemporary Use Report. Prepared for Tla’amin Nation. Tla’amin Nation, Powell River and UVic Anthropology, Victoria. March 2019.

Chan L, Receveur O, Batal M, Sadik T, Schwartz H, Ing A, Fediuk K, and C Tikhonov. First Nations Food, Nutrition and Environment Study (FNFNES): Results from Saskatchewan 2015. Ottawa: University of Ottawa. 2018. http://www.fnfnes.ca/docs/Saskatchewan_Report_Aug_8_2018.pdf

Abernethy P, Fediuk K, Van G and the Firelight Group with Westbank First Nation, Upper Nicola Band and Okanagan Indian Band. Westbank First Nation, Upper Nicola Band, and Okanagan Indian Band Socio-economic Baseline and Initial Impact Pathway Identification Study for BC Hydro’s Proposed West Kelowna Transmission Project. Final Report. September 11. 2018

Chan L, Receveur O, Batal M, David W, Schwartz H, Ing A, Fediuk K, and C Tikhonov. First Nations Food, Nutrition and Environment Study (FNFNES): Results from the Atlantic 2014. Ottawa: University of Ottawa. 2017. http://www.fnfnes.ca/docs/Atlantic_Regional_Report_Eng_Jan_25.pdf

Reid S, Fediuk K, and The Firelight Group with Westbank First Nation. Westbank First Nation. Socio-economic Baseline for the proposed BC Hydro Revelstoke Unit 6 Project. August 2017.

Fediuk K, Reid S, and The Firelight Group with Okanagan Indian Band. Okanagan Indian Band. Socio-economic Baseline for the proposed BC Hydro Revelstoke Unit 6 Project. Jan 2017.

Gibson D, Fediuk K, Thompson D, Twissell M, and the Firelight Group with Saik’uz First Nation. Socio-economic study for the proposed New Gold Inc. Blackwater Gold Project. June 2016

Chan L, Receveur O, Batal M, David W, Schwartz H, Ing A, Fediuk K, and C Tikhonov. First Nations Food, Nutrition and Environment Study (FNFNES): Results from Alberta 2013. Ottawa: University of Ottawa. 2016. http://www.fnfnes.ca/docs/Alberta_English.pdf

Fediuk K, and the Firelight Group Research Cooperative. 2015. Ktunaxa First Nation Diet Study Final Report. Submitted to the Ktunaxa Nation Council.

Chan L, Receveur O, Batal M, David W, Schwartz H, Ing A, Fediuk K, Black A and C Tikhonov. First Nations Food, Nutrition and Environment Study (FNFNES): Results from Ontario 2011/2012. Ottawa: University of Ottawa. 2014. http://www.fnfnes.ca/docs/Ontario_English.pdf

Fediuk K, Ing A, Candler C, Chan L, Leech S, with the Firelight Group Research Cooperative. Technical Memorandum. Final Results of the Ktunaxa Diet Study. Prepared for Ktunaxa Nation Council. October 20, 2013. Revised January 2014.

Chan L, Receveur O, Sharp D, Schwartz H, Ing A, Fediuk K, Black A, and C Tikhonov. First Nations Food, Nutrition and Environment Study (FNFNES): Results from Manitoba 2010. Prince George: University of Northern British Columbia. 2012. http://www.fnfnes.ca/docs/MB%20Reports/FNFNES%20Report-MB_WEB_rev.pdf

Hul’q’umi’num Treaty Group and K Fediuk. Gulf Islands National Park Reserve – Hul’qumi’num Treaty Group Shellfish Traditional Knowledge Research Project Report. Report prepared by Karen Fediuk on behalf of the HTG GINPR Committee and Parks Canada. Manuscript on file, Parks Canada, Sidney, British Columbia and Hul’qumi’num Treaty Group, Duncan, BC. March 2011.

Fediuk K. and L. Mickelson. Metlakatla Traditional Marine Food Survey. Baseline Food Consumption and Importance of Traditional Food Items and Harvesting Access. Cambria Gordon. Report prepared for Metlakatla and FNIH Environmental Health Services. July 2010.

Fediuk K, Ing A, and HM Chan. Gitga’at and Gitxaala Nutrition Survey. Report Prepared for Health Canada, Gitga’at and Gitxaala Communities. October 2007.

Fediuk K, Chan HM, Parker M, Kulchyski T, Sylvester J, Sam R, La Boucan G, Henry A, and W Zhang. Risk Assessment of Shellfish Consumption in Coastal Communities in British Columbia. Year 1 and 2 Final Report. Prepared for Health Canada, National Environmental Contaminants Program, First Nations and Inuit Health Branch. May 2007.

Gray-Donald K, Saudny-Unterberger H, Verrall T, and K Fediuk. Canada Prenatal Nutrition Program - Anemia Project. Preventing and Treating Anemia - Qualitative Study. Report prepared for Health Canada, Ottawa. December 2002.

Gray-Donald K, Saudny-Unterberger H, Willows N and K Fediuk. Canada Prenatal Nutrition Program - High Birth weight Project. Report prepared for Health Canada, Ottawa. December 2002.

K Fediuk. Harvest Study 2001. Confidential Report prepared for the Hul’qumi’num Treaty Group, Ladysmith. May 2002.

Fediuk K and HV Kuhnlein. Participatory Research Management Guidelines for Indigenous Peoples and Research Institutions Undertaking Collaborative Health Research. Report Prepared for the World Health Organization, Geneva. December 2001. https://www.who.int/ethics/indigenous_peoples/en/index6.html

Resources Authored

First Nations Heath Council, Healthy Food Guidelines for First Nations Communities. Available at: http://www.fnha.ca/documents/healthy_food_guidelines_for_first_nations_communities.pdf and through First Nations Heath Authority, Vancouver. Fall 2009. Revised 2014.

First Nations Heath Council, First Nations Traditional Foods Fact Sheets. Available at http://www.fnha.ca/Documents/Traditional_Food_Fact_Sheets.pdf through First Nations Heath Authority, Vancouver. Fall 2009. Revised 2014.

Fediuk K, Parker M, and K Allen. Shellfish Safety. A Resource Manual. Prepared for Penelakut and Chemainus First Nation Fisheries, Ladysmith. March 2005. Revised 2007 http://www.hulquminum.bc.ca/pubs/Shellfish%20Safety%20Manual%20final%202007.pdf

Fediuk K, Parker M, and K Allen. Shellfish Safety Colouring Book Prepared for Penelakut and Chemainus First Nations Fisheries. Ladysmith, March 2005. http://www.hulquminum.bc.ca/pubs/pspshellfishsafetycolouringbook.pdf